Skin Type I
"Always burns; never tans". Your skin only reddens and freckles. If you are trying to get a tan by merging your freckles, please stop. You aren't fooling anyone. A dark spray tan will look as natural on you as a third eye. Try light to medium spray tanning only. An important tip from a natural redhead: never try to go too dark on your face!
Skin Type II
"Burns easily; tans minimally". Spray tanning will give you a better tan than you could ever achieve in the sun. Try light, medium, and dark formulas. Very dark formulas may turn orange on you, so watch out.
Skin Type III
"Burns moderately; tans gradually to light brown". Spray tanning works extremely well for Type III folks, but if you formerly tanned in the sun or in tanning beds, you must set your sights a little lower. You will not be able to achieve as dark a color with spray tanning. Once you adjust your expectations, you will learn that you are blessed with the ability to get good results from spray tanning sessions.
Skin Type IV
"Burns minimally; always tans well to moderately brown". It's tempting for you to tan naturally because you can get a dark tan fast with little or no burning. Just a couple of hours in the sun will give you a warm glow. But don't give in! In the short term sun exposure can cause skin discoloration, or "sun spots".
Skin Type V
"Rarely burns; tans profusely to dark brown". You don't need to waste money on spray tanning. But you can if you want to! Spray tanning will effectively darken paler legs at the beginning of shorts season. Be warned, though, that the product may have a dulling appearance on your skin two or three days after application. And wear sunscreen!
Skin Type VI
"Never burns; deeply pigmented; insensitive". While your skin might not visibly redden, long sun exposure will leave your skin painful, taut, and peeling. Skin pigmentation provides protection against burning UVB rays, but it's not adequate protection against UVA, which causes aging and discoloration of the skin. Please pass the sunscreen.
UV Tanning
Our Epcot Revolution Sun Booth uses 160 watt Reflector lamps in a Blue / Pink Combination with a UVB content of 2% to 2.6 % all with "Cup Cathode Technology" which stops lamp ends from blackening throughout their useful life. This improves the output by controlling the lamp’s thermal economy, which reduces loss of emission material known to cause this blackening.
UVB % ratio to UVA
Body = 2.0 / Legs = 2.3
Exposure times
Skin type 2
3 min
Skin type 3
6 min
Skin type 4
9 min